Bari - Barletta Sunday, August 2, 2009

After having harvested the old town, churches and shopping streets. We thought it was time to go against Barletta. We started but after a couple of hours we had to turn back. It struck sparks on the generator, the tachometer to the engine burned up. Good thing the electricity was shut off in time. So now it was just going to the boat club, 43euro in port charges. (Last year it was three days free) So Thomas end up in the engine compartment, guess if it was hot. Self as I sit in the shade and wash a little. Now the new generator purchased thanks to a helpful neighbor boat next to us with contacts and a scooter. If it works? Yes, the next day came we to Barletta. Met with a great old castle, but no boats. The city yea, nothing that end up on the top ten list.